Elestor Covered in ‘Tank Storage Magazine’: Flow Batteries Boosting the Energy Transition
Elestor Covered in ‘Tank Storage Magazine’:
– Flow Batteries Boosting the Energy Transition
ELECTRIFICATION, RENEWABLE energy sources and innovation are set to help the world on its way to achieving its climate and carbon neutrality targets by the 2050s. However, as yet there is no answer to this question: how can a stable electricity supply be guaranteed with no fossil-fuel baseload? Nowadays, there are rarely times when too little electricity is produced, as is evidenced by negative electricity markets. When the weather conditions favour high renewable energy production at a time of low demand, power plants are switched off and renewable electricity generation is voluntarily curtailed.
Read more, download these pages in Tank Storage Magazine June/ July 2022 issue here

Elestor CEO Hylke van Bennekom outlines future vision
As Elestor’s new CEO I will oversee a transition from a research-based company to an engineering-focused company. This next step towards becoming a commercially viable corporation is already well underway.
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Elestor’s CEO Guido Dalessi to depart by year-end
Guido Dalessi, chief executive officer (CEO) of Dutch long-duration electricity storage company Elestor, will step down from his role as CEO at the end of 2024. “I am leaving Elestor in the knowledge that the company I helped create is in safe hands. I will stay on as shareholder but will hand over the reins to my colleague Hylke van Bennekom, then maximise my contribution to the energy transition as a non-executive supervisory board member and active advisor to small and large companies.”
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Between hydrogen pipelines and electrolyzers
"Flow batteries are considered one of the most economical options for long-duration energy storage. In an interview with Guido Dalessi, CEO of Elestor, we will find out how the Dutch company uses innovative technologies to benefit from the synergy of electricity and hydrogen for its flow batteries."
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